Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dates back over 2000 years and has been helping countless people around the world as a holistic medicine. TCM helps through 5 main pathways / modaliities: acupuncture, herbs, diet, movement and hands-on manual therapy. It helps the body's Qi (life force) to self regulate and rebalance into equilibrium.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the body's Qi, blood, and body fluids flow through channels / meridians. These channels connect the organs, muscles, sinews, nerves, and its vasculature to provide nourishment to every cell in the body. Body ailments come about when the flow of Qi is impeded or stagnated. Acupuncture and the other TCM modalities access the channels and acupuncture points to stimulate the nervous system and regulate the body's circulation. This creates a healing response in the body to clear said impediments and stagnations. This in turn relaxes muscles and sinews, reduce inflammation, calm the nervous system and brings the body back into equilibrium.
We accept Cash, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX.
Acupuncture treatment is covered by some extended health care insurance plans. It is your responsibility to verify with your insurance provider regarding your coverage. An official receipt will be provided upon full payment with the necessary information.
Comfortable or loose fitting clothing is best. Depending on the agreed upon treatment, it is up to you and your comfort level with the degree of undress. Sheets and blankets are available to offer warmth, comfort, and coverage.
Please provide a minimum of 24 hour notice, if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. This will enable me to contact other patients who require my services.
I know last minute changes to your schedule are sometimes impossible for you to avoid. However, you will be charged a cancellation fee equal to 100% of the charges applicable to the original time reserved specifically for you.
This may be waived if your dependent is ill or there is an extenuating circumstance.
This fee will also apply when you arrive late for your appointment or request to leave early.
As a professional clinic, we are bound by the ethics and policies as dictated by CTCMPAO, and PHIPA. Your personal information and shared experiences in session will not be shared with a third party and will be kept confidential.
The only exception is when there is reason to believe you, my client, may harm yourself or someone else. Under these conditions, appropriate actions will be taken for the safety of my client and others.
Today | Closed |
As we are in the last month of 2024, some of your health benefits will be renewed in 2025. Please remember to put yourself and your health as a priority. Come in for a relaxing treatment before your benefits renews.